There are many toxins, fumes and ingredients that we are unknowingly exposed to daily that are very harmful to our bodies that make us fat and keep us that way. Realize it or not, we are all casualties and perpetrators of ruining our health.
We are constantly putting harmful foods in our systems, such as fast food or processed food, lots of calories, lots of fat and lots of pesticides and other contaminants that we find in the food that is "good for us". We tend to make poor choices and find ourselves overweight and unhealthy. However, there is a way to turn that all around!
Where do we start? Cleansing and detoxifying the colon is a good beginning. Simply put, colon detoxification rids the colon of toxins that have built up in your colon. When it is flushed out, all of the wastes and toxins that are hanging out are washed away as well. Once this is accomplished, your colon can reheal and become healthy again. This can have a positive affect on your body in many ways and make you feel better overall.
Your body will be better prepared to protect itself from antibodies, weight gain, bacteria and disease.
For more information on the Weight Loss Secret CLICK HERE!
I recently had a colonoscopy and the stuff I had to drink for that is comparable to the Hollywood 48 hour diet drink. Ewwww I forced myself to drink the stuff for the test but the Hollywood drink....just couldn't do it.
I don't agree with you on the cleaning out. I believe eating sensibly, exercising, and keeping a daily journal is the way to go.
There is no secret to losing weight. It's just burning more calories than you consume...bottom line.
Chris, I agree with you about eating sensibly and exercising. The journal is a great idea, too, but we can't ignore the junk that builds up in our colons, large and small intestines and stomachs!
All that gunk just sits there and ferments while the parasites feed off of it. It's not healthy in many ways, but it can definitely keep you from maintaining a healthy weight.
There are many people out there who have done all the right things and still cannot lose weight or at least not enough to be healthy. Many people have other issues with their digestive tracts that add to this problem (i.e. irritable bowel syndrome, ulcerative colitis, polyps, etc.) and it makes it harder to get rid of the waste and plaque build-up that hides in pockets and cover the lining of our digestive systems.
When you look at all of these factors, it just reinforces the fact that we need to take care of our internal organs to avoid the diseases, illnesses and weight gain that can lead to much bigger problems. I know because I have suffered for years with gastrointestinal issues and have dealt with colon cancer in my family.
I am actually having another colonoscopy on Dec. 17 because of unexplained blood loss my doc feels is due to polyps or possibly cancer.
I have been on a healthy diet and exercise program for over a year now (supervised by a dietician), and found I had actually gained weight and I cannot get it off.
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